History of Canine Massage Therapy
History of Canine Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy has been seen in records dating back to 2700BCE! The history of animal massage is not as detailed, at least that we know of. Although I’m sure there was an animal loving ancestor who decided to try it out.
Canine Massage History
Canine massage became popular when Jack Meagher developed the use of massage therapy on horses. Meagher was influential in helping people realize the benefits of massage therapy for a wider range of people and animals. He is know for coming up with the idea of “sports massage”. He helped people realize that massage was not just relaxing,. It had extremely helpful benefits to people with injuries and had a large roll in preventing injuries. Meagher was confident in his ability to help people, so he decided that he would try some techniques out on horses. He started work with horses in 1975 and animal massage bloomed from there.
The International Association of Animal Massage And Body Work works to provide a source for animal massage therapists and establishes a professional community. It was established in 2000 and has made steps to encourage proper education and development in the field.
Jonathan Rudinger Founder of PetMassage
PetMassage has been a leader in canine massage education and has helped develop professional advances in the fields, such as helping set up the IAAMB. Since 1997 they have been helping people learn about Canine Massage benefits!
Here at Greenwood Hill, Jadelyn takes her 3 year education as a Registered Massage Therapist and her education from the Royal Canadian College of Massage Therapy for Canine Massage and combines them in order to provide you with an educational and healing experience for you and your dog. See Canine Massage for details on our services.
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